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September 9, 2019
165: Staying creative during life changes

After a short hiatus the Design Life podcast is back! Staying creative and motivated during big life changes can be a real challenge, one we have recently faced. We have jumped at the chance for our next adventure and moved to new countries. Femke has joined the Uber design team in Toronto, working with a new team on Uber Eats. Charli continues to work remotely for Convertkit but has swapped the hustle and bustle of London for sunny Valencia! Trying to stay inspired while also managing the logistics of a big move to another country is a challenge, in this episode we share what worked for us during this busy time.

key takeaways

Recognise and acknowledge that moving is hard work. It is a time of transition and if you are transferring your job or continuing to work remotely, it is likely that you won’t be able to give your job your all. Ask for help and understanding where you can from your colleagues.

Set yourself up for success as much as you can. Take care of yourself. Use any spare time you have to look after yourself, go for a walk or make yourself some healthy food. Side projects can wait and will still be there when you have settled into your new home.

Consider what the next most important thing is that you need to do, to help keep you moving forward. Avoid feelings of overwhelm by tackling one task at a time.

Before moving to a new place try and find some Slack groups that are active in the area. Introduce yourself. Attend upcoming conferences. Ask your existing friends and colleagues if they know anyone in your new area that they could introduce you to.

Be patient. Building a new life and settling into a new home takes time. Once the last box is unpacked you might feel like you should be all set, but making new friends and developing a new routine takes patience and commitment.

show timestamps

06:35 – Creative challenges when on the move

10.46 – Staying on top of work and self care

17.40 – Finding a new routine

21.40 – Making new friends

show links